Until now, only people over 50 with obesity were eligible for vaccination. From this Saturday, May 1, 2021, people with obesity over the age of 18 will be able to go to vaccination centers.
“I invite the 2.3 million French people concerned to go to the vaccination centers this weekend”, Emmanuel Macron announced in an interview with the regional press made public this Thursday, April 29. 17% of the adult population suffers from obesity in France. Today nearly half of those admitted to intensive care are young obese individuals. According to a report published by the World Obesity Foundation (WOF), more than 2.2 of the 3.01 million Coronavirus-related deaths worldwide come from countries where obesity is prevalent.
In hospitals, overweight patients flock to intensive care units. Among the patients admitted to intensive care for an aggravated reaction to Covid-19, 45% are overweight, it is even 47% since the beginning of the year. So obviously, this is welcome news for associations like the League Against Obesity who has been campaigning for months for this eligibility to be feasible.
A body mass index greater than 30
Vaccination is open to all adults with obesity with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. This is the only criterion retained by the government. To calculate your BMI, divide your weight, in kilograms divided by the square of your height, in meters. For example, if you weigh 113 kilos for 1.80 meters, you have to perform the following calculation: 113 / (1.80 x 1.80), that is to say 113 / 3.25 = 34.27 ( BMI).
Vaccination will be extended from Saturday May 1 to fragile French people
“Obesity is the first risk factor outside of age that exposes people to severe forms of Covid-19. But we are obviously opening up vaccination to people who have comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, renal failure, heart failure, or cancer “, the Minister of Health said this Friday, on France Info.
Olivier Véran also announces that the next stage of the expansion of the vaccination campaign must take place “in mid-May”, with the opening to French people over 50 years old against the 55 years old currently.