Since last January, 11 vaccines have become compulsory for children. In addition to the three vaccines which were already vaccinated (diphtheria, tetanus and polio), vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae (a bacterium which causes severe meningitis in children), whooping cough, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis B, meningococcus C and pneumococcus (also responsible for meningitis in children).
In this context, Santé Publique France assessed the vaccination activities of children during the first months of 2018 and observed an increase in the vaccination coverage of toddlers. And more precisely :
An increase in vaccination coverage of + 5.6% for the dose of vaccine against meningococcal C infections recommended at 12 months: it went from 56.81% to 62.4% 2 in one year.
An increase in vaccination coverage of + 2.6% for the first dose of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine recommended at 12 months: it went from 72.41% to 75.0%.
An increase for catching up with meningococcal C vaccination beyond 1 year with a gain in coverage between January and May 2018 of 1.4% for people aged 2 to 5 years in 2017: it went from 70 , 8% to 72.2%.
At the same time, Public Health France recorded an increase in vaccination against human papillomavirus infections (HPV), with a gain in coverage between January and May 2018 of 6.2% for young girls aged 11 to 14 in 2017, i.e.: o + 3.5% for the 1st dose (from 16.1% to 19.6%) o + 2.7% for the 2nd dose (from 8.9% to 11.6%).
Read also :
Vaccines: how do they work in our body?
Refusal to vaccinate: the Constitutional Council brought to a decision