From today, January 18, the second step is triggered to get vaccinated against Covid-19. For whom is vaccination possible? How to make an appointment?
People eligible for vaccination
Until now, vaccination was reserved for a priority public, namely the elderly living in nursing homes as well as the nursing staff who work there. This Monday, it becomes accessible to people over the age of 75, who are not housed in a retirement home, which corresponds to approximately 5 million French people. Indeed, the elderly are vulnerable to Covid-19 and are at risk of developing a serious form. The median age of people who have died is 75 years and over, according to the latest epidemiological assessment from Public Health France, i.e. 74% of people hospitalized since March 1. Vaccination is therefore an essential means of protecting them from the disease. In addition, other people who have a pathology that exposes them to a very high risk of Covid-19 and who have a medical prescription can be vaccinated as a priority:
- those with cancer and malignant haematological diseases undergoing chemotherapy treatment;
- patients with severe chronic kidney disease, including those on dialysis;
- people with solid organ transplants or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants;
- people with chronic multiple pathologies, with at least two organ failure;
- those with certain rare diseases;
- people with trisomy 21 or disabled living in specialized reception homes or nursing homes;
- health professionals or personnel who work with a vulnerable public as well as freelancers, home helpers who work with the elderly and disabled;
- firefighters over the age of 50 or with comorbidities (obesity, chronic respiratory disease, complicated arterial hypertension, heart failure, cancer, etc.)
The different arrangements for making an appointment
The various vaccination centers have organized themselves so that appointments and medical procedures take place in good conditions. The person who can now be vaccinated against Covid-19 is invited to:
- get local information (from your doctor, pharmacist or town hall). She will thus obtain the contact details of the vaccination center closest to her home in order to make an appointment by telephone;
- make an appointment directly online, by going to the site www.sante.fr . All the centers are referenced by region. The address and telephone number are indicated there or a link to the site for making an appointment on the internet;
- contact the national toll-free number: 0800 009 110, open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. It allows you to be redirected to a telephone switchboard near your home or to obtain the help of an accompanying person to make an appointment.
The government is also encouraging people who are not using digital tools to be accompanied in their process online, by family, relatives or caregivers.