Drinking 240 ml of cranberry juice per day would reduce the urinary tract infections chronic disease by almost 40% in women, according to the results of a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The reduction in infections therefore makes it possible to reduce the intake of antibiotics associated with treatments linked to these diseases.
Researchers at Boston University, Biofortis Innovation Services (United States) conducted a study with 373 women for 24 weeks to establish the effects of consuming cranberry juice on urinary disorders. During the research, the volunteers were split and drank either a 240ml daily dose of cranberry juice or a placebo drink without cranberry.
The results of this study showed that the rate ofurinary tract infections significantly decreased for those who consumed cranberry juice, with only 39 pathologies reported during the study for 67 diagnoses in the placebo group.
“The key to reaping the benefits of cranberry is to drink it daily to help prevent infection,” says Dr. Kalpana Gupta, UTI specialist and professor of medicine at Boston University of Medicine. “Most people wait until they are reached by a urinary tract infectionbefore consuming cranberry, but once symptoms appear, they will probably need to be treated with antibiotics ”.
Cranberry juice to reduce the use of drugs in the treatment of cystitis
The reduction in infections therefore makes it possible to reduce the intake of prescribed antibiotics during illnesses.
“The first approach used to treat and reduce chronic urinary tract infections is the use of antibiotics. This approach presents as side effects an increase in resistance to antibiotics. The study shows that consuming 240 ml of juice cranberry per day reduces the number of chronic urinary tract infections and avoids the automatic intake of antibiotics, ”says Dr. Kalpana Gupta, UTI specialist and professor of medicine at Boston Medical University.
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