Researchers have long believed that neuronsresponsible for regulating reproductive function were confined to the hypothalamus region (seat of cognitive functions such as memory, motivation, planning, decision-making, learning). This belief has lived. Lille researchers attached to the Medical Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm) have just discovered that the reproductive function is regulated by neurons scattered throughout the fetal brain.
To reach these conclusions, the Lille Inserm teamstudied the migration of neurons responsible for human reproduction, focusing on their number and distribution in the brain during embryonic development. Their work was carried out using human embryos aged 6 to 12 weeks, donated by parents as part of a voluntary termination of pregnancy.
The observation of cellular interactions using the 3D immunofluorescence technique (laboratory technique which detects the presence of various substances thanks to antibodies, rendered fluorescent, editor’s note) made it possible to analyze the migration steps controlling the functions of reproduction during the first trimester of development. If 20% of these cells colonize the hypothalamus, these neurons occupy en masse other regions of the brain, such as the cortex, the olfactory bulb, the hippocampus as well as certain regions of the limbic system. A great discovery for Inserm researchers. “While the counts carried out in hypothalamus recovered post-mortem estimated the number of these neurons at 2,000, this study shows that there are 8,000 more, distributed in the different brain areas”, underline the work.
The other functions of reproductive neurons to study
These results suggest that reproductive neurons could play other roles. The study of their functions in these brain structures will be at the heart of future work carried out on mice. This could make it possible to better understand the causes of certain neurological diseases, suppose the researchers: “There is a hormonal impregnation during the development of the brain, prenatal and postnatal, of which a dysfunction could be at the origin of some. neurological pathologies and psychiatric “, subodores Paolo Giacobini (Jean Pierre Aubert Research Center, Lille), author of the study.
Neurons responsible for regulating reproductive functions are found almost everywhere in the brain!
– Inserm (@Inserm) January 19, 2017
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