October 22, 1999 – Without making any noise, despite firm opposition from universities and the medical profession having carried out last-minute maneuvers to delay its adoption, the House of Representatives of the Belgian Parliament adopted on April 22, 1999, by 95 votes for and 12 abstentions, a framework law intended to regulate alternative and complementary approaches to health or unconventional medicine.
This law provides for the establishment of a joint committee which will initially regulate acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic and osteopathy. These professions will be exercised as liberal professions (services not reimbursed by the State) and may be practiced by non-doctors, provided that they have received high-level training and respect professional ethics. Other disciplines may subsequently be recognized on the same basis.
Belgian law responds to the European resolution on the status of non-conventional medicines adopted by the European Parliament on May 29, 1997 and becomes the ninth country in the European Union to provide a framework for alternative approaches.
According to New Medicines, 4th quarter 1999