Twitterers have been asking for it for a long time, when can we edit our tweets now? Twitter comes with an edit function and test it yourself.
For years, people have been asking for the option to adjust tweets that have been posted. Just remove a spelling mistake, add a hashtag or clarify something. You can remove it, but you can’t adjust it.
That is still not possible, but Twitter is now announcing in a blog post indicates that Twitter is testing the “edit tweet” feature internally. We don’t think it’s that complicated in itself, but since Twitter has done nothing with the call for such a function in all these years, it may not be as simple as it seems.
How does Twitter tweet edit work?
The idea is that you can still adjust the content within thirty minutes of posting the tweet. The function is then mainly suitable for adjusting typos. Twitter employees participating in the test can therefore already benefit from this (r)evolution of the social medium.
The edited message does receive a label that allows the reader to see that the tweet has been edited. A caption with the time when the adjustment was made also appears below the relevant tweet.
Only for Twitter Blue
Don’t get too excited right away, the new function will only be available to Twitter Blue users if test results are positive. These Twitter subscribers pay monthly for Twitter and already have a number of exclusive options that the ordinary mob on the social media does not have.
By the way, Twitter Blue is not yet available in the Netherlands at the moment, but that will be a matter of time. And those who want to pay will soon also be able to edit their tweets.