The Twitter microblogging network is suffering from Gilles de la Tourette syndrome this Wednesday, June 19. This initiative was set up by the Canadian Tourette Syndrome Foundation to raise awareness among users of this neurological disorder characterized by motor and vocal tics. This disease can, for example, cause people who suffer from it to utter insults and swear words impulsively.
For 24 hours, people who have agreed to “surrender your say”, or give up their word, will see strange voice messages, insults or repetitions appear in an uncontrolled manner followed by the hashtag #surrenderyoursay on their Twitter account.
Internet users can continue to tweet as they usually do, but some of their messages will escape their control. This technique makes it possible to understand the daily life of patients faced with the symptoms of the disease, which is estimated to affect 1 person in 2,000 or 1 person in 200 if the minor forms are counted.
To participate, go to the website: