The government is in the process of changing direction regarding compulsory vaccination. Jean Castex wrote to elected officials to obtain their opinions on compulsory vaccination for caregivers. The Senate even wants to go even further and wants to debate the vaccination obligation for all adults. As for the Haute Autorité de Santé, it is in favor from the age of 12. We take stock.
The government faces the decline in immunization
Is this the starting point for the glass ceiling of immunization? The pace of the latter has slowed since it is open to all. However, the Covid-19 is still not behind us, since a new race against time has just started, to avoid a new wave caused by the Delta (Indian) variant. So what do the numbers say? France crossed the symbolic threshold of 50% of French people vaccinated on Tuesday. Indeed, one in two French people has received an injection of an anti-Covid vaccine. Good news however, the pace is declining, since as of June 28, the figure for the first doses is 176,090 injections per day against 347,700 on June 1.
Based on data from Covid Tracker, to vaccinate the entire adult population, 581,893 doses would have to be injected each day by August 2021. At the current rate (average of the last 15 days), the goal of vaccinating the entire adult population would be achieved November 2, 2021. It is recalled that the primary goal of health authorities would be to achieve collective immunity. The latter could break the chain of transmission of the virus and its variants and protect the most fragile individuals. Epidemiologists and experts initially estimated that a threshold of 60% should be reached. Today with the variants, in particular the Delta, the situation is different. Specialists are targeting a collective immunity rate of 80% to stop Covid-19.
A decision for mid-July?
Invited by BFMTV this Friday, July 2, the president of the High Authority for Health considers that it will be necessary “Consider compulsory vaccination depending on the epidemic situation”.
The debate was launched at the end of May by the National Academy of Medicine, which recommended making anti-Covid vaccination compulsory. Today the debate is relaunched with the help of the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, who has just opened hostilities and awaits the return of elected officials for the month of July. Senators are also in favor of this obligation “You know very concretely, we are a company. If we want the virus to stop circulating and not cause a new outbreak in September, we must achieve collective immunity. To achieve it, the main lever we have is vaccination “ explains the senator and doctor, Bernard Jomier to Public Senate. “ This is why we are making a series of legislative proposals on vaccination. This is why we are asking that the bodies of debate take a decision before mid-July, to know whether or not it is necessary to introduce broader vaccine obligations, such as, for example, that of caregivers “, he adds.
6 out of 10 French people in favor of compulsory vaccination
The French have also changed their outlook on compulsory vaccination. According to a survey For France Info, Le Figaro and Backbone Consulting, nearly 58% of respondents are in favor of the obligation for the general population and 72% support the idea of an obligation to vaccinate for medical professionals.
However, disparities in this survey exist. Thus, the younger French (18-34 year olds do not want compulsory vaccination for all). Making “convenience” tests pay off does not appeal to respondents as well. 56% say they are in favor of maintaining free anti-Covid tests.