Thumb side
It is more natural
It is the baby who chooses to put it in his mouth and not the parents who impose it on him. Sucking your thumb is the start of your body’s natural discovery. Finally, it is close at hand and stays clean. Unlike the pacifier which is lying around everywhere and can become a real nest for germs.
It does not harm the language
From the age of six months, the oral communication takes place. However, having an object to suckle in the mouth at all times prevents sound from being emitted correctly. The advantage of the thumb is that it can be taken, dropped, and taken back as needed.
It damages teeth
Due to its rigidity, the thumb remains more deforming. But the pacifier, if it is constantly in the mouth, can do more damage. Both have deleterious effects on the teeth and mouth of the child. The problem is not that the baby sucks his thumb or his pacifier, but that he has a long head. The later the sucking, the greater the consequences. To avoid the worst, make sure that the little sucker stops sucking before the age of 3.
It cannot be thrown away!
At the time of weaning, it is obviously easier to get rid of a pacifier, or even several! For the thumb, it will be necessary to show persuasion, even if it means putting a plaster around it to change the taste.
Pacifier side
It would prevent the development of allergies
By cleaning the pacifier with their saliva, parents pass on “good” bacteria which will stimulate the child’s oral microbial flora. His immune system then becomes more resistant. But this statement remains a hypothesis that goes against previous advice: do not lick your baby’s spoon so as not to transmit its germs to it.
It is a help for premature babies
When the premature baby is fed by probe or by perfusion, the teat allows not to lose the rhythm of the sucking and thus to be able to pass more easily to thebreastfeeding in good time.
It is not physiological
In 1992, a study published by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry already showed that there is no noticeable difference in dental deformities between users of a normal pacifier and a so-called “physiological” or still “orthodontic”, as some manufacturers suggest.
It triggers more ear infections
A Dutch study showed that the risk ofear infections recurring averages is 90% higher among lollipop users. The cause is the increased reflux of secretions from the nose and pharynx into the ear, which would facilitate the entry of microbes. In addition, the changes in the jaw caused by the pacifier would cause dysfunction of the eustachian tube (the organ that connects the ears to the back of the nose).
How can you help baby quit?
Nothing can be done without the support of the child. We must avoid rushing him and help him in his process. Suggest not to take the pacifier out of bed or bedroom. Put away the blanket that makes you want to suckle. Talk beforehand about the day when he will be able to stop sucking a thumb or pacifier and that he will grow up. Offer to celebrate the event, with a supporting gift.
Thanks to Dr Frédérique Aloé Tavernier, orthodontist.
Read also : The pacifier, a brake on the parent-baby relationship?
Healthy teeth: children’s good resolutions