Of course you want a plane with a few billion in your account. This billionaire jet lives up to the highest expectations and pushes boundaries!
Time is money. That’s a well-known term rich people use. If you waste time, it costs money. That’s why the billionaires of this world have private planes. And now there’s a new device that will delight the wealthy. Gulfstream has announced a new device. That in itself is not so remarkable, but it is that the colossus can fly super far.
Billionaire jet pushes boundaries
It’s bigger and faster than ever. The new ones Gulstream’s G800 should attract many new buyers with these features. Its predecessor, the G650, sold well. Presumably, this device will also be sold a lot. In addition to luxury and size, there is something very important for buyers, namely the flight distance. Not so annoying if you just nap and you have to fill up again. With the G800 you can fly 15,000 kilometers non-stop.
Bigger, faster and more flight range
The flight distance is therefore impressive. It means that you can fly from New York to Hong Kong in one go. He goes fast too. And the faster he goes, the further you get. If you fly with mach 0.85, he ‘only’ gets 13,000 kilometers. A little harder, so 0.90 mach, then those 2,000 kilometers can also be added.
The device is not small. You can take 19 passengers on a business trip or family trip. This does depend on how you classify the device. You can determine that from the American builder. In any case, there is room for four cabins, so you don’t have to sit together all the time. Or make it a bedroom, so practical on long flights.
How much does such a thing cost, I hear you ask. Well, you must have a well-filled wallet. In any case, count on 63 million euros. The first copies will roll out of the pendant in 2024.