A teenager inserted 27 magnetic beads into his urethra, putting his health at risk. This case is not isolated.
A teenager has had 29 magnetic beads removed from his penis by surgeons at the Children’s Hospital in Xi’an, northwest China. The 13-year-old, known as Lin, had been living with these foreign bodies in his urethra for months.
“About three months ago, while the boy was playing with the magnetic beads, he inserted them into his urethra out of curiosity,” said Zhang Yanyan, the urologist who treated the young Chinese. “By the time he felt bad and tried to pull them out, the magnets had come off and some got stuck in his penis,” he continues.
Severe abdominal pain
Too embarrassed to talk about it to anyone, the teenager leaves his penis as it is, but soon begins to suffer from severe abdominal pain. The pain causing him to limp, his parents finally discovered the problem… three months later.
Lin is not an isolated case. A very similar incident was recently reported in eastern China, where an 11-year-old man also inserted 70 magnetic beads into his penis, again out of curiosity. Another 62-year-old man had also placed three batteries in his urethra, the Putting Lead In Your Pencil report says.
Deform the urethra forever
This practice, which often aims to obtain sexual pleasure, is very dangerous. It can deform the urethra forever, and thus trigger significant problems with urination, and even lead to infertility. Foreign bodies can also trigger infections. “Ultimately, putting things where they weren’t meant to be can be life threatening. If you ever do this, on purpose or accidentally, don’t delay in seeking emergency medical treatment.” Dr. Jamie Wells, from the American Council on Science and Health.
In anatomy, the urethra is the outlet channel of the bladder. In men, the urethra measures about 15 cm and opens at the end of the penis. It is longer than in women, and it is made up of several parts, each with a function.