Headache is a common and harmless disease that can affect the quality of life of those affected. It is characterized by shooting pains on the right or left side of the head for a duration ranging from a few hours to several days. These symptoms correspond to the most common headache also called “tension headache”, oftenrelated tostress or at the fatigue. It affects everyone and it is moreover the second most common disease in the world.
Women are more often affected by migraine
If you have pain on one side of your head, worse on exertion and with an impression of cranial throbbing, it is probablya “common” migraine. It may be associated with vomiting, nausea, or discomfort with light or noise. It isthe most common migraine.
If the pain is preceded by visual disturbances (loss of vision, bright spots, etc.), tingling or difficulty in expressing yourself, it is in this case a migraine with aura.
Do not hesitate to consult if these symptoms seem familiar to you. A simple consultation with your doctor, where he asks you a certain number of questions, is enough to establish the diagnosis. Many French people are not diagnosed, only 40% of migraine sufferers are according to the World Health Organization. In France, 12 million people suffer from migraines including 48.6% of women between 30 and 50 years old. They are indeed three times more affected than men.
Foods that trigger and protect against migraine
Migraine is favored by certain genes and certain factors such as alcohol, lack of sleep, the screens and also the rules.
Food can also be one of these factors, its role still remaining controversial to this day, among scientists. In effect, certain foods seem to be triggers migrainesbut only at 10% of migraine sufferers.
The identified migraine trigger foods are:
- I’alcohol with especially beer and red wine,
- aged cheeses,
- chocolate,
- salted meats,
- smoked fish,
- fermented products,
- soy sauce and chinese dishes
- and finally light sodas containing aspartame.
Conversely, favorite foods and which would prevent migraines are those containing no preservatives, no yeasts and no flavorings. We have identified 12 to help you: coffee, spinach, ginger, foods rich in magnesium, rosemary, peppermint, potato, lemon, kefir, herbal infusions and of course fruits, vegetables and legumes.
Finally, to better identify a possible impact of food on your migraines, health professionals advise to take A food diary in order to compare diet and symptoms.
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