Instinctively, it is possible to know the state of physical and emotional health of a person just by focusing attention on the voice. The diction, the energy put into the voice or the words used are indicators of the health or concerns of an interlocutor.
- Loudness of voice and choice of words may indicate poor health
- This technique, which already makes it possible to detect depression, can be used to diagnose neurodegenerative diseases very early on.
The voice is not the only way to communicate. If the words spoken provide information on the content of information, most of the message passes through non-verbal communication. This unconscious mechanism, which the brain constantly performs, can help determine the state of a person’s health.
Emphasis on non-verbal communication
Thus, without even being aware, it is possible to identify if a person is a victim of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease just by analyzing the way they speak. In these cases, neurodegenerative diseases can affect the way a person speaks. Slowly, the articulation will be less pronounced, the rate will slow down and the voice will weaken.
These indications that the brain registers unconsciously are called inferences, that is to say signals that make it possible to estimate a situation and to extrapolate on its causes based solely on what you perceive. Thanks to artificial intelligence and deep learning, it is already possible to analyze the content of the voice and its modulations to interpret a person’s state of health. This system is already used to detect the signs of depression present in the voice.
First tests in progress
The advantage of this system augmented by artificial intelligence is that it helps to anticipate the occurrence of certain diseases just by listening to the sound of the voice, which is impossible for a human to recognize as well. precisely. In the case of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, it is essential to have rapid care and therefore to benefit from the earliest possible diagnosis.
With the alteration of the voice, which can be considered as a marker for early diagnosis, it would be possible to better detect certain diseases. It is with this in mind that the Bordeaux University Hospital has developed a promising application, which is based on the voice. If the latter is not based on the detection of neurogenerative diseases but rather focuses on the drowsiness of users, this shows that this form of technology is beginning to interest the medical community.