The carrot, an amazing root
The carrot (Daucus carota) is an amazing root for its ability to preserve our body from toxins. Its high level of beta-carotene (provitamin A), a powerful antioxidant, protects our cells against free radicals. For their part, its insoluble fibers capture toxic substances and facilitate their elimination. Suffice to say that, to prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancers and keep healthy skin, it’s a queen! And that’s not all, because the beauty has more than one trick up her sleeve. tops.
Do you know the antioxidant properties of chives?
Carrots help fight eye aging
Carrot beta-carotene maintains the photoreceptors (cells) of our retina, responsible for converting light energy into nerve impulses. It is, among other things, the guarantor of a good night vision. In addition, it helps prevent cataracts or age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a deterioration of a small area of the retina leading to progressive loss of central vision. “Eating carrots three or four times a week is enough to meet this need, believes Franck Dubus, unless there is a proven deficiency. It would then be necessary to eat it once a day, for two to three weeks.
Also discover gourmet recipes to fight against eye aging
Carrots treat children’s diarrhea and constipation
“The carrot contains all the elements necessary to restore strength to babies who have the diarrhea, underlines our expert. Rich in minerals and sugars, it also exerts an anti-inflammatory action on the intestinal mucosa. Finally, thanks to the pectin (mucilage), it absorbs the water present in the intestine by “gelling” it, thus stopping the diarrhoea. Against constipation, it is its insoluble fibers that make it particularly effective, because they soften the stool. The mucilages then play a lubricating role and facilitate their elimination.
Carrots help prevent cancer…
The protective effect of beta-carotene on tumors has been known for years. Furthermore, the presence of insoluble fiber promotes the capture of substances such as nitrates from food, involved in the appearance of cancers. Consuming two to four servings of carrots per week could reduce the risk of developing lung cancer by 40%. They would also make the difference in the appearance of bladder and breast cancers.
… and cardiovascular accidents
Regular consumption would reduce the risk ofstroke. “By limiting the action of free radicals, its antioxidants have a protective effect on the wall of blood vessels,” explains Franck Dubus. Insoluble fibers reduce the entry into the body of sugar and that of cholesterol, which can clog the arteries. “Its good dosage of antioxidants makes it interesting, notes Franck Dubus. Because, in excess, they can turn into pro-oxidants.”
Carrots regulate diabetes
Absorption of sugar through insoluble fiber limits blood sugar spikes in diabetics. “However, it is better to eat it raw, because its glycemic index is higher when it is cooked”, specifies Franck Dubus.
Carrots purify the skin
In juice, the carrot protects the liver from free radicals and stimulates the regeneration of its cells. With a healthier liver, the skin is less saturated with toxins and the complexion is fresher. “Applied as a lotion, the juice acts as an anti-inflammatory and soothes itching, irritation and scabs,” explains Franck Dubus. It also facilitates healing by promoting cell regeneration. Masks based on cooked carrots are also interesting because, under the mechanical effect of mucilage, they promote the removal of dead skin on the surface, as well as hydration.
It fades skin spots
“Carrot seed essential oil has an interesting advantage that juice does not have,” explains Franck Dubus. That of stimulating blood circulation and thus promoting the renewal of the epidermis. Diluted in hemp oil and applied to the skin, it fades age spots or sun spots.
Did you know?
Originally, the carrot was brown, red, purple or yellow in the East and white in the West. It was not until the 17th century, after a cross between red and white varieties, in Holland, that it took on an orange hue. Cultivated by organic producers, the old brown and red species contain twice as much beta-carotene as the others.
Raw or cooked?
Raw, it contains more vitamin C and minerals. Cooked, it offers beta-carotene and more assimilable sugars.
Are there any precautions for use?
Products made from cooked carrots are consumed within 24 hours. Beyond that, under the effect of cooking, the nitrates are transformed into toxic substances at high doses. The essential oil of carrot seeds is contraindicated in the event of pregnancy, mastosis (painful breast) and cancer of the breast. As well as in case of allergy to celery, fennel, cumin…
Should you supplement with beta-carotene?
Bad idea ! Epidemiological studies have shown that carrot consumption reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Many researchers, assuming that this action was linked to beta-carotene alone, have studied the effects of supplementation. But the result was disappointing, and even negative in patients with lung cancer.
Good vegetable plans
At the foot of the Luberon, Jean-Luc Danneyrolles has been farming for over
twenty years a vegetable garden dedicated to curiosity and biodiversity.
La Molière Saignon, 84400 Apt. Such. : (0033)4 90 74 44 68.
See you at the Fête des Simples
On October 5th and 6th, producers of aromatic and medicinal plants will meet at
La Palud-sur-Verdon, (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) to share their experience and sell their products.