High school students: specific needs, a necessary prevention message.
According to the surveys carried out by the LMDE, it is observed a certain relaxation in the protection of certain risky behaviors among young people:
– in matters of sexuality: 15% of students do not systematically wear condoms when having sex with new partners
– in terms of addictions: 60% of students consume alcohol and 52% say they have drunk too much in the past 12 months.
The behavior of students is obviously to be compared to that of high school students because of the proximity of generations.
Prevention is therefore necessary to raise awareness of risky behavior but also to give them the means to protect themselves.
Because LMDE is a key player in prevention among young people, it therefore legitimately aims to act in order to improve the health conditions of young people through the creation of the Prev’Box, an information, protection and prevention.
An innovative health guarantee
The Prev’Box therefore offers packages and a complete health kit meeting the needs of high school students for an annual subscription of 19 euros.
Indeed, good health habits are acquired from an early age, the Prev’Box therefore offers both reimbursement packages in matters of sexuality, road safety, nutrition and well-being… as well as prevention tools.
The Prev’Box, an innovative health guarantee, is also a complete kit of information and awareness tools for the prevention of risky behavior.
The creation of the Prev’Box is part of the dynamic already initiated by the LMDE of supporting high school students with the baccalaureate-success site created 3 years ago.
It is a review site accessible to all high school students offering online courses, review sheets, annals but also health advice and guidance advice.
With prevention packages allowing high school students to protect themselves and with information on the prevention of risky behavior as well as on social protection, the Prev’Box therefore appears to be a lever for empowering high school students in terms of health.
The kit contains:
For € 19 / year, the Prév’Box health guarantee includes:
• Vaccines / reminders: up to 10 € / year all vaccines, reminders and anti-malaria treatments prescribed by your doctor, not reimbursed by Social Security
• Smoking cessation: up to € 15 / year for any nicotine substitute giving rise to the right to the Social Security package prescribed by your attending physician
• Emergency contraception: “overnight” pills, up to € 10 / year
• Pregnancy test: up to € 15 / year
• Female or male condoms: up to € 20 / year
• Nutrition follow-up: up to € 15 / year for consultations carried out by a dietitian
• Psychological follow-up: up to € 15 / year for a consultation carried out by a clinical psychologist
• Safety equipment: € 15 / year for the purchase of a helmet intended for cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding, etc., or a retro reflective vest
• Road safety: € 10 / year for the purchase of breathalysers