Side effects say nothing about the effectiveness of the vaccine
Good question! In this section, Health Net is looking for answers to frequently asked questions. This time: if you suffer more from side effects of the corona vaccine, does it also work better?
You would think that the more side effects you experience, the better the vaccine works. That sounds logical, but it’s not true. For example, about half of the people who have received the Pfizer vaccine have almost no symptoms, while about 90 percent develop immunity. And in the testing phase of the Janssen vaccine, about 40 percent of the subjects did not experience any side effects. Nevertheless, research has shown that the Dutch vaccine protects on average 66 percent against disease caused by Covid-19 and – like the other vaccines – 90 percent against hospitalization.
Protected against the coronavirus
Do you have many, few or no side effects at all? In any case, the vaccine initiates the necessary processes in your body, so that you are ultimately well protected against the coronavirus. Marjolein van Egmond of the Amsterdam UMC also agrees with this the AD: “People with a healthy immune system don’t have to worry about that. The vaccine then continues to work. You’re only lucky if you don’t feel anything. And if you do feel something, then at least you know for sure that your immune system is working. “
Why are you reacting more strongly to the corona vaccines?
Why are you still in bed with a high fever after the injection, while your neighbor has at most a sore arm? That has to do with your immune system, but also with which vaccine you received and whether you may have already been infected with the coronavirus (unnoticed).
Also read: Why do some people react more violently to the corona vaccines than others?
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