Contents of this podcast produced in partnership with Groupe VYV and hosted by Dr Jean-François Lemoine: Prof Robert Cohen reviews the vaccines available; Professor Jean-Paul Stahl provides an update on treatments in the care of Covid patients; Dr. Pierre Schmidt deplores the absence of dentists in the vaccination campaign.
Guests of Dr. Jean-François Lemoine:
. Professor Jean-Paul Stahl, infectious disease specialist:
- “As regards anti-Covid treatments, there is a consensus that nothing works!”
- “Treating with antibiotics is wrong and irresponsible”
- “Anticoagulants have an interest for severe cases”
. Professor Robert Cohen, pediatrician and infectiologist:
- “The effectiveness in the field of the various vaccines gives very favorable results”
- “The three firms have assured that they can adapt their products to protect against variants”
. Dr Pierre Schmidtdentist:
- “We are 40,000 health professionals ready to vaccinate!”
- “To deprive ourselves of our collaboration is stupid”