December 14, 2017.
Before the end of the year celebrations, which are often the occasion for the French to go on vacation, the French Blood Establishment is launching a major appeal for donations, because the reserves of blood products are quickly depleted.
EFS blood reserves are too low today
Blood reserves are running out and it is urgent to fill this gap. As the holidays approach, the French Blood Establishment has just launched a national appeal for blood donations, recalling that the end of the years is often marked by a drop in blood collection.
” The EFS appeals to everyone’s generosity during this holiday season by inviting them to one of its 128 collection centers or to one of the many mobile collections held in December ”, Said the organization in a press release. ” Blood reserves have been declining for ten days and are now too fragile to safely approach the start of the new year “.
A website to find out where to donate blood
The French Blood Establishment recalls that in order to meet the needs of all French hospitals, blood donations must be regular and constant because the shelf life of blood products is limited to 5 days for platelets and 42 days for red blood cells. 10,000 daily donations are then needed. ” Donor engagement is essential every day », Recalls the EFS.
To find out where to donate blood, simply go to the EFS website, and click on the “ Where to give? “. After entering your city, your postal code or the date on which you wish to donate, an interactive map will be displayed and will offer you the possibility of knowing all the centers, mobile or fixed, of the EFS.
Gaelle Latour
Read also 10 good reasons to donate blood