These are 4,042 visits to the emergency room and 1,419 hospitalizations for children under two, which marked the first figures of this epidemic of bronchiolitis, which affects almost all of France according to the epidemiological bulletin of Public Health FranceDecember 11.
30% of babies affected each year
Bronchiolitis, a respiratory disease, affects 30% of babies under two every winter. It is driven by a virus and causes coughing as well as breathing difficulties. She was treated with respiratory physio but recently, the High Authority for Health (HAS) published a press release in which it informs that the technique is no longer recommended.
The only region spared? Corsica. The bulletin points out that the vast majority of babies brought to the emergency room (9 out of 10 children) were under one year old. In addition, SOS Médecins has been in great demand on the issue, as 703 visits have been recorded, an increase of 4% compared to the previous week.
Read also:
Bronchiolitis: the video of a baby makes the buzz
Bronchiolitis: what medicines for babies?