Over the past decade, the number of adults walking through the door of an orthodontic practice has jumped from 30 to 40%. A very clear trend among young working people, while reimbursement for their care is almost non-existent.
“I waited to receive my first pay and I paid for the start of my orthodontic treatment. At 25, I therefore wore a transparent gutter 20 hours a day. Today I am delighted. I smile more, and I feel more confident, especially in my professional life, ”says Aurélie, 27 years old. Like her, for the past 10 years, orthodontists have shown that they are receiving more and more adults who no longer hesitate to have dental braces fitted to correct dental malpositions of varying degrees of importance. “There is a huge demand from adults, who did not or did it badly when they were children, and who want to have a harmonious smile. These are requests, both functional and aesthetics, explains the Dr Jean-Baptiste Kerbrat, head of the adult orthodontics service at Pitié-Salpêtrière and member of the French Federation of Orthodontics (FFO). Young adults between the ages of 25 and 35 represent the largest share of adult orthodontic consultations. They are most often motivated by their entry into professional life, some take the plunge for emotional reasons, in anticipation of a marriage or after a divorce for example. Moreover, there would be a second peak in demand for treatment between the ages of 40 and 55.
Listen to Dr Jean-Baptiste Kerbrat, Head of adult orthodontics at Pitié Salpêtrière: “Over the past 10 years, there has been a constant increase in the number of adult treatments in practices, from 30 to 40%. “
Why are more and more adults taking care of their dental beauty? First of all, it is because the “very” large steel rings have almost disappeared from orthodontic practices. Current techniques make it possible to provide more discreet devices. Miniaturization has clearly been the watchword in recent years. In addition, orthodontists currently have several options to offer their adult patients: white ceramic rings for the external face of the teeth, the lingual technique or even removable translucent aligners. But it is the orthodontist who determines which treatment is best suited to the needs of his patient.
Listen to Dr Jean Baptiste Kerbrat : “With the white ceramic rings, you can still see the thread a little, but it’s more aesthetic. With the rings inside the teeth, there you can’t see anything at all. “
In adults, orthodontic treatment lasts about as long as in children, ie two years on average. Sometimes it is a little longer if the dental problems are more complex. “In adults, the gums and bones are sometimes more fragile. We must therefore be even more careful. And then, sometimes there are missing teeth, or there has already been dental treatment. Each case is really specific, ”adds Jean-Baptiste Kerbrat. On the other hand, as with children, wearing dental braces requires some precautions to be observed, especially in terms of hygiene. Orthodontic appliances increase the risk of cavities and the development of gingivitis, as they promote the accumulation of food debris and the stagnation of dental plaque. Experts recommend, for example, to provide a toothbrush at the workplace. Likewise, for ring wearers, it is necessary to be careful with what you eat and to avoid foods that are too hard or too sticky, such as toffees or chewing gum. Finally, orthodontic care is not covered by health insurance, with the exception of one semester, when the treatment includes a phase of surgery, which is more common in adults since the growth is finished. Some mutuals now offer annual packages that cover part of the care for adults. However, it is necessary to inquire before starting treatment and to request quotes.
Listen to Dr Jean Baptiste Kerbrat : “The cost varies depending on the city, but also on the technique. This ranges from 4000 to 8000 euros for orthodontic treatment in an adult. “
“In all, it cost me a little over 4000 euros. My mutual only paid for around 800 euros per year but if I had to do it again, I would do it again without any problem. It pulls a bit when you change the gutter, but it’s really bearable. At the time, some people around me didn’t even realize that I was wearing braces, ”concludes Aurélie with a smile.