Trendy French women organic cosmetics ? A ifop survey for Nuoobox.coma site specializing in the sale of organic or natural cosmetic products on the Internet, confirms the growing enthusiasm of women for natural beautyand organic cosmetics. The survey, conducted with a sample of 1,000 French women, shows a trend towards the “trivialization” of organic products in women’s beauty routines. A sign of French women’s interest in natural products and more skin-friendly products, nearly three-quarters of them (72%) say they have already used an organic cosmetic product during their lifetime.
Nearly six out of ten French women bought at least one last year, a proportion that has almost doubled in eight years, from 33% in 2010 to 58% this year.
Among the products appearing the most in beautystas’ vanity: organic face care (57% of French women have already used one), body care (58%), facial hygiene products (57 %) or hair care (55%).
On the other hand, certain departments of organic cosmetics are less profitable. French women seem less fond of make-up, sun protection, perfumes and toilet waters as well as massage products. Only 35% have used it according to the survey.
The followers of organic cosmetics claim to have daily use of the products they use and claim their harmlessness, which they consider safer than conventional cosmetics. Asked about the reasons that lead them to use organic cosmetics, the respondents first put forward health and eco-responsible arguments: the concern to preserve one’s body and health is cited by 73% of users, as is environmental concern for the environment. (64%) as well as concern for animal welfare (56%). Another reason for purchasing at the top of the list of responses is the effectiveness of the products, cited by 66% of the respondents.
The cost, a barrier to the purchase of organic cosmetics
One downside, however, in this inventory of the organic or natural cosmetics market, the cost is often considered too excessive. “The price remains the main obstacle to the use of organic or natural cosmetic products, whether among users (61%) or non-users (66%)”, points out the ifop survey.
The survey shows that there also persists a certain skepticism on the part of French women as to the truly natural character (“naturalness”) and the supposed effectiveness of certain natural and organic cosmetics. A maintained reluctance[e] by “the vagueness on the excessive number of“organic or natural” designations sometimes misleading, says the study. This mistrust illustrates the need for the organic and natural cosmetics sector to improve transparency around its products.
Ifop study for carried out by self-administered online questionnaire from September 6 to 10, 2018 with a sample of 1,047 women, representative of the female population aged 18 and over.
#Cosmetics : the boom of #organic?
In 8 years, the proportion of French women who have purchased an organic cosmetic product during the year has increased from 33% to 58%.
Survey @IfopOpinion – @NUOOBOX :
— Ifop Opinion (@IfopOpinion) October 2, 2018
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