Pelvic physiotherapist Dieuwke Botschuijver about the taboo surrounding pelvic complaints
Fortunately, there is more and more talk about urine loss, prolapse complaints and sexual dysfunction, but it remains a difficult topic.
Pelvic physiotherapist Dieuwke Botschuijver has also noticed this, who has been trying to break the taboo on pelvic complaints for years. In her practice she sees various people with pelvic complaints; from young to old, woman, man and child, fat or thin.
She tells you when to call a pelvic physiotherapist, explains why not everyone should do pelvic floor exercises, and explains the biggest mistake that both men and women make with urine leakage.
Pelvic physiotherapist Dieuwke Botschuijver helps with pelvic-related complaints such as loss of urine, flatulence, erectile dysfunction, pain in the lower back, pelvis or groin and prolapse complaints. We spoke to her at the National Health Fair 2018, where she gave a lecture on the Sister & Care women’s care square. She talked about the importance of pelvic physiotherapy, among other things. “Doing exercise is just part of pelvic physical therapy,” she explains. “It also concerns advice, guidance, coaching and explanation. Complaints can arise because a pelvic floor muscle is too tense, but with other complaints we see a pelvic floor muscle that is not strong enough. It concerns a range of pelvic complaints; think of urine loss, menopausal complaints, prostate problems, prolapse complaints, but also, for example, erection problems. We try to find a suitable solution in consultation with the patient. Because most pelvic complaints are not normal. So don’t keep walking around with them.”
You can find more information about Dieuwke here.