Colds, coughs, flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis… Winter attacks do not spare anyone. During the cold season, we can trust the benefits of echinacea, a plant that preserves the respiratory tract and stimulates immunity. But not only…
Name: Echinacea
Scientific name : Echinacea purpurea
Botanical family: Asteraceae
Parts used: roots and flowering tops
Indications: immunity, bronchitis
Preparation: infusion
This beautiful plant from the daisy family is native to North America. Echinacea can reach heights of 1 m and has spectacular flowers of various colors, ranging from pink, to purple, and more rarely yellow or white. It is similar to the flower of sunflower and its central part is covered with thorns that resemble a hedgehog.
Classified as an herb, it is above all the species “Echinacea Purpurea” (purple coneflower) which is used for its many health benefits. The Indian tribes of the Great Plains used the benefits of Echinacea more than 400 years ago. Indeed, the plant is antibiotic, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory… The rhizomes, flowers and stems are used for therapeutic purposes.
The benefits of echinacea for the ENT sphere
The benefits of echinacea as an antiviral are well known: it increases the body’s ability to resist infectious diseases (ENT infections). THE’echinacea thus strengthens the immune system and white blood cells to attack foreign bodies in the body (bacteria, cancer cells).
Studies published by the University of Connecticut show that echinacea decreases the risk of catching a common cold of 58% and, if it is too late, allows reduce the duration of the common cold about a day and a half. It’s always taken.
Note that this natural remedy does not directly kill bacteria, such as antibiotics medicinal products, but it is effective when taken at the onset of symptoms and can treat them by reducing the duration and gravity.
Echinacea contains alkylamides which act as a wonderful natural shield. In addition, it is composed of interesting active ingredients such as phenolic acids, echinacosides, chlorogenic acid, polysaccharides, minerals (copper, potassium, iodine, iron), vitamins (A, E, C) which, in general, stimulate immunity.
A plant with multiple health benefits
- Echinacea has incredible virtues for skin especially against eczema, wrinkles, skin inflammation, psoriasis, stings, etc.
- It is particularly effective in relieving the following pains: stomach ache, headache, toothache…
- This plant can be used as laxative gentle to relieve constipation naturally and fight against bad bacteria in itintestine.
- Echinacea has anti-inflammatory properties that allow a healing and rapid healing.
- Echinacea would have a favorable effect against cancer of the brain thanks to the effectiveness of phytochemicals that kill cancer cells and tumors.
- Echinacea decreases the fall of hair, promotes their growth and eliminates 100% dandruff.
- It facilitates the elimination of waste and cleanses the immune system in the event of the presence of pathogenic elements.
- It is also known to help treat disorders of the blood circulation, genital herpes, malaria, urinary tract infections and vaginal.
- A specific variety of Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) is recommended to help people with attention disorders (anxiety, depression, social phobias).
How to take advantage of the benefits of echinacea?
The liquid forms of echinacea are much more efficient than tablets. This herb seems to be most effective when consumed as soon as the first symptoms appear.
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- In infusion : 1 to 6 cups per day for prevention or to relieve the first symptoms of colds.
- In capsules: it is advisable to consume between 1 and 3 g (to stimulate the immune system, fight against cold snaps and tired).
- In liquid form or in mother tincture : take 1 dose, morning and evening, for three weeks, then 1 dose, morning and evening, one week per month; curative: take a dose of mother tincture, three times a day.
- In syrup or in lozenges: very effective in case of sore throat, irritated gums. Refer to the recommended dose.
- In case of pains, we recommend drinking echinacea in herbal tea. You can also make a paste and rub it directly on the affected area.
Contraindications and adverse effects
Taking high doses ofechinacea can sometimes cause nausea and dizziness, especially for those with allergies.
Its use is not recommended in cases of diseases such as tuberculosis, leukosis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, lupus,rheumatoid arthritis and in people diabetics. Without medical advice, it is also not recommended for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Echinacea does not dispense with antibiotics and other anti-infective agents and it is not recommended to take it for more than eight weeks. The risk is to obtain the opposite effect to that sought, that is to say a weakening of the immune defenses in the long term.
In these times of cold snaps, boost your immune system by trusting the benefits of echinacea …