The more women educate, the later they have the first baby. With 28 years as the average age, France is in the European average.
In the 1960s, women had their first child at age 24. In 2010, they did so four years later, according to the latest INSEE report (1). And for the following ones, again, the mothers are older at the birth of their offspring. Whatever the rank of the child, the average age of mothers is 30 years.
The development of contraception and access to abortion have enabled women to better control the timing of births. But other factors come into play. The generalization of higher education has contributed to postponing the family project. Thus, specifies, INSEE, the higher the diploma of the woman, the later the first child arrives. This is particularly the case in the south and in Ile-d-France, where there are the most graduates. The average age of mothers without a diploma at the delivery of their first child is 3.1 years lower than for high school graduates and almost five years compared to women who have completed two years of higher education (2007 data) .
In addition to this desire to enter the labor market with more chances, there is the desire for women to live together longer.
Since the beginning of the 80s, the difference between the births of children has been relatively stable with “a slight tendency to decrease”, observes INSEE. It is on average 3.9 years between the 1st and the 2nd and 4.3 years between the 2nd and the 3rd.
The level of education being a determining factor for the age of the first pregnancy, “immigrant women have their first child earlier”, indicates the INSEE study. 3, 8 years less for women of fake origin residing in metropolitan France, nearly one year for those from Africa or the Maghreb.
Finally, the average age of mothers with the first child in France is very close to the figures of the European Union. Italy and Spain widen the gap with an average of 30 years, Bulgaria and Romania with an average age of 25
(1) Emma Davie, Demographic Surveys and Studies Division, Insee