Teleworking raises new issues. For example, this study which shows that working at home in pajamas has no impact on our productivity.
- Wearing pajamas was not associated with differences in productivity among people who telecommute.
Working in pajamas has no impact on our productivity, according to a new study published in The Medical journal of Australia. To reach these conclusions, the researchers asked participants to rate their professional performance with or without pajamas. Assessment: “wearing pajamas was not associated with differences in productivity”, they write.
On the other hand, people who worked in their pajamas felt worse psychologically than the others. “Wearing pajamas was significantly associated with more reports of poorer mental health (59% vs 26% for those working without pajamas)”, continue the researchers.
“Supporting parents and people at the start of their career”
Moreover, the fact of having young children at home greatly influences the work of parents. Larger proportions of people with young children felt that their overall productivity was reduced compared to others (63% against 32%), whether in writing (50% against 17%) or in data analysis (63% vs. 23%). A trend more marked among those who were at the beginning of their professional career than among seniors.
In contrast, the presence of children at home during the confinements was not associated with a deterioration in mental health. “These figures push to support parents and people at the start of their careers”conclude the scientists.