A stopgap or a way to revalorize the nursing profession? Developed in many countries, the transfer of medical tasks from doctors to nurses is returning to France like a sea serpent. For a long time, the medical profession opposed it in a corporatist reflex.
But today, the shortage of professionals in medical deserts, the suffocation of doctors in hospitals, forces us to reshuffle the cards.
And the government of Edouard Philippe, believes to know The echoeswould like to develop this sharing of skills.
The boss of the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) would like to “go from 45 caregivers involved in cooperation and advanced practice protocols to 500 then 1,000 by the end of 2019”. A goal that requires legislative relaxation, recalls the daily. The director of the AP-HP, Martin Hirsch, has just sent a letter to the Minister of Health to assert his request.
“Unlocking the regime of cooperation protocols”, as the French Hospital Federation calls it, also means being able to remunerate the new tasks of nurses. However, the law does not allow it today.
But above all, the nurses themselves fear that this delegation of tasks will result in a loss of opportunity for the patient. “We are very hostile to the transfer of acts when it is a simple shift in tasks, with a theoretical training of 25 hours without validation”, explains in the columns of the newspaper Thierry Amouroux, president of the National Union of Nursing Professionals , himself a nurse at the AP-HP.
His organization defends the idea of the “advanced practice nurse” which would give this professional after a master’s degree a real status with a salary scale. The Touraine law of 2016 provided for it, but the implementing decrees have still not been released!