After 4 months of discussions with the Health Insurance, the CSMF, the first liberal union, left the table of conventional negotiations. Other organizations could follow.
Less than a month before the deadline to find a new one medical convention, the first union of liberal doctors, the CSMF (1), slammed the door discussions with health insurance. The break between Nicolas Revel, director general of the CNAM (2), and the Confederation took place Wednesday evening.
It must be said that after a 13th session of discussions, the five unions representing the profession (3) agree that they are far from the mark. The practitioners only obtained the security of their ASV supplementary pension scheme. “No other commitment has been made by Social Security”, deplores Jean-Paul Ortiz. In an interview with Why actor, the president of the CSMF returned to the reasons for his anger. Anger shared by other organizations.
Joined by the editorial staff, Dr Eric Henry, President of Union of Liberal Doctors (SML), criticizes Health Insurance for having no costing or calendar. “The Minister of Health, Marisol Touraine, recently told us that this was to take place within the framework of the ONDAM 2016 (4), which is historically low, I remind you. We might as well say that this worries us a lot, ”he concludes. Thus, this union does not plan to sign a medical agreement in the current state of affairs.
Towards a minimum arbitral settlement?
Ditto for the Federation of Doctors of France (FMF). In a press release, she wrote that Nicolas Revel “undresses Paul to dress Peter, with inequities between doctors from sectors 1 and 2 “. The FMF is therefore proposing a new Access to Care Contract (CAS) open to all liberal doctors. In detail, it would offer “a guarantee of opposable tariffs for the most disadvantaged but also for unscheduled care, provided that these are revalued, with taxation for social charges which would only apply to the amount of supplements. fees, ”adds the union, which does not want to sign either. In the end, the least disappointed seem to be the generalists of the 1st trade union in the profession. MG France obtained the revaluation of the basic consultation from 23 to 25 euros. But he still wants to get more …
Faced with such a badly embarked negotiation, we must remember the rules. Author of the book “From trade unionism to convention, the story of a long river not so quiet”, Dr Patrick Carlioz explains that “at least three signatures will be needed for a new medical convention to come into force” . “If this is not the case, it is a minimum arbitration rule which will emerge”, he specifies. This arbitrator will fix by decree the new relations between the Health Insurance and the liberal doctors so that the patients continue to be reimbursed. The worst option for all the unions at the table.
(1) Confederation of French Medical Syndicates
(2) National Health Insurance Fund
(3) The CSMF, The FMF, MG France, The SML, and LE BLOC
(4) National target for health insurance expenditure