November 28, 2003 – Children who regularly practice Tai Ji Quan are said to be more relaxed than others and learn more easily, according to the results obtained in a British school.
The leaders of the institution recruited a Tai Ji Quan teacher to teach the basics of the technique to a group of about sixty children suffering from such a high level of stress that it interfered with their learning. The participants were between nine and ten years old. Classes were held for five weeks, one hour per week.
Once this basis had been mastered, the children were left in the hands of their usual teachers who, after having received training themselves, made them do their exercises every day.
The benefits of this initiative have not been scientifically quantified, but the teachers do not hesitate to say that the students are now more relaxed and therefore more able to learn.
The children were also able to count on the daily services of a massage therapist.
Jean-Benoit Legault – PasseportSanté.net
According to Healthy News; November 24, 2003.