Use coca-cola as a tanning oil? This new technique would make it possible, thanks to the caramel coloring present in the soda, to increase the speed and the quality of the tan. But, in addition to sticking to the skin and being unpleasant on application, the tanned appearance would only be temporary. That’s not all, the acid in soda is said to burn dead cells and allow UV rays to penetrate the skin more quickly. Conclusion: damaged skin, sunburn, skin cancer…
A useless and dangerous method for health
“While some believe that coca-cola speeds up tanning, it can be very dangerous for your health. I strongly advise against it” explains Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, to Allure magazine. Using coca cola as a tan accelerator is therefore a bad idea.
Wanting to be tanned at all costs can be dangerous for your health. This fashion phenomenon is pushing young women in particular towards artificial tanning methods, including UV. According to a study conducted by the Lineberger Cancer Center in North Carolina (USA), 32% of American women between the ages of 18 and 21 have ever used tanning booths and 30% of white women aged 22 to 25 reported using them regularly. However, the Skin Cancer Foundation points out that people who start artificial tanning in the cabin before the age of 35 increase their risk of melanoma by 59%.
To avoid any risk this summer, it is better to leave the soda in the fridge, protect your skin with a good sunscreen and opt for food rich in carotenoids and antioxidants, which will speed up your tan while protecting your skin from premature aging.
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