Drinking sugary liquids greatly increases the risk of dying young. To stay hydrated, water remains the healthiest option.
According to a large long-term study conducted among Americans, the more people consume sugary drinks, the more they run the risk of dying prematurely, particularly from cardiovascular diseases. The risk of early death related to the consumption of sugary drinks was more pronounced in women.
Two or more sugary drinks a day increases the risk of death by 21%
“Our results again indicate that sugar-sweetened beverages should be limited and replaced with other beverages, preferably water, to improve overall health and longevity,” Vasanti said. Malik, director of research.
The researchers analyzed the medical data and dietary habits of 80,647 women and 37,716 men over thirty years. Result: the more a person drank sugary drinks, the more his risk of early death, whatever the cause, increased. Consumption of one to four sugary drinks per month was associated with a 1% increased risk of death; two to six per week at a 6% increase; one to two a day at a 14% increase; and two or more per day at a 21% increase.
Early death from cardiovascular disease
There was a particularly strong link between drinking sugary drinks and an increased risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease. Those who drank two or more sugary drinks a day had a 31% higher risk of early death from cardiovascular disease. Each additional serving of sugary drink per day was associated with a 10% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
“The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes, itself a major risk factor for premature death. These results support policies aimed at limiting the marketing of sugar-sweetened beverages to children and adolescents and implementing taxes on these products, in view of the high treatment costs they generate”, said Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition.