Injecting stem cells into the base of the penis would cure erectile dysfunction and make patients’ erect penis bigger, according to the results of a new study, which are still partial.
It would be a great alternative to Viagra. In Denmark, scientists claim to have found a treatment capable of both curing erectile dysfunction and making the erect penis bigger by increasing their blood flow.
Restore full function of the penis
Synonymous with sexual impotence, erectile dysfunction corresponds either to the lasting impossibility of obtaining an erection, or to the impossibility of maintaining it if it is acquired with sufficient penile rigidity for the accomplishment of the sexual act at the time precise penetration.
Developped by Danish Center for Regenerative Medicine (DCRM), the treatment consists of injecting stem cells at the base of the penis. It was created for men who have had to have surgery for prostate cancer. Unfortunately, a prostatectomy has multiple side effects, including erectile dysfunction, especially if the nerves or blood vessels were damaged during the operation or if the patient is elderly. Constricted blood vessels can also cause patients to narrow their genitals.
According to the researchers, a single injection of stem cells at the base of the penis would be enough to restore the full function of the penis, and this for life. They claim that their treatment has already been successful in eight men and are awaiting the results of their treatment on twelve other patients, before presenting their research next July at the meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Barcelona.
52% of men aged 40 to 70 have erectile dysfunction
In the United States alone, it is estimated that about one in nine men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime. Although most of these patients will survive the disease, 40% of them will have to endure the consequences of erectile dysfunction. Overall, 52% of men aged 40 to 70 have erectile dysfunction, significant in 37% of them. In the French population, 31.6% of men suffer from this type of disorder. A figure that rises to 66.7% past 70 years.
If it proves to be effective and safe, the team of scientists is considering a much wider application of their new treatment. The injection of stem cells at the base of the penis could thus help all men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, the causes of which can range from simple aging to diabetes, including heart disease.
It should be noted, however, that this preliminary research is still far from having proved its worth.