With mild corona symptoms directly to the test street nearby. According to scientists, this is crucial for a successful fight against the corona virus. But not everyone who suffers from a sore throat, fever or cough sees the need for this. What are you doing?
From a study by the RIVM and regional GGDs Last week it turned out that only one in eight Dutch people with mild corona complaints is tested at a test street. Biggest reason for this low turnout: People don’t rate the mild symptoms as COVID-19. They believe that they suffer from chronic complaints such as asthma, hay fever or smoker’s cough. Or they see the complaints as a simple cold, according to Trouw newspaper.
After the results of the study were announced, more people had themselves tested. For example, suddenly 40 percent more people signed up for a test, according to De Volkskrant. In recent days, the number of people who tested positive has also increased faster than in recent weeks. On Saturday, the number of known infections increased by 127, Sunday by 144. Such numbers have not occurred since mid-June. This increase can also be caused by the fact that more people with mild complaints are being tested.
Do you get tested if you have mild symptoms? Respond to our statement.
When coughing, a runny nose or fever, I immediately get tested for corona
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