A free glass of tap water with dinner or next to a glass of wine in a restaurant or cafe? About 16 percent of catering entrepreneurs do not participate in this. “Tap water (and the service) is not free”, they think. This is the conclusion of a study by the trade association Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (KHN).
from the research It also appears that a quarter of catering entrepreneurs would rather serve tap water if customers also order something else. Just under half (43 percent) are always willing to put free tap water on the table.
Not required
Restaurants and other food and beverage outlets are not legally required to provide tap water when ordered. If a catering entrepreneur – for example for commercial reasons – refuses to supply ‘tap or tap water’, this is allowed by law.
As a result, restaurants approach it in different ways. Some eateries only serve spring water that has to be paid for, while others charge consumers for tap water. In recent years, restaurants have also increasingly offered tap water for a donation – often a few euros – to a good cause.
Not every consumer thinks paying for tap water is a good thing. ‘Inhospitable’ is a frequently heard argument. Others do understand. “They pour it, bring you the glass and have to wash it,” he said a Twitter user.
What do you think? Should the catering industry be obliged to serve free tap water? Let us know.
The catering industry is obliged to give free tap water
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