While the UK has vaccinated 900,000 people in three weeks, and Germany, where the vaccination campaign started at the same time as France, has 60,000 vaccinated, fewer than 200 people have been vaccinated in France . Why ?
A cautious start
“I do not confuse speed and haste”, explained the Minister of Health Olivier Véran on Tuesday evening on France 2 to justify the slow start of the vaccination campaign, while many doctors, such as epidemiologist Philippe Amouyel or geneticist Axel Kahn regret the government’s overly cautious strategy . The latter even evokes a “Very important strategic error”.
For Olivier Véran, the slowness of the start of the vaccination campaign in France is an asset for taking “The time of pedagogy” and avoid errors as in Germany, where caregivers received several doses of the vaccine at the same time.
Difficult to transport, difficult to store
The delivery of the vaccine to nursing homes is also a challenge, as commented on franceinfo the pediatrician and immunologist Alain Fischer: “The vaccine is difficult to transport, difficult to store”, before promising a growing increase in vaccination: “There is a plan that has been put in place and that will increasingly allow these people to be vaccinated throughout the month of January. The plan is to ensure that by February, nearly a million people who are in different types of residences can be vaccinated. You have to do it right. “
This week 500,000 doses have arrived and 500,000 new doses will arrive next week.