The month (s) without tobaccotakes place throughout the month of November. On this occasion, the incentive devices to quit smoking are making headlines in the media. In Japan, for example, the initiative of an online marketing company made the buzz by offering extra leaveto employees who quit smoking. In Boston in the United States, financial incentiveseems to have motivated a panel of smokers to get rid of their addiction in exchange for a tempting bonus. France is not left out, offering French smokers the challenge of quitting for a month. In Lyon, a smoking cessation group is offered free of charge to those who wish.
Launched by the addictology unit of the Saint Luc Saint Joseph hospital in Lyon, this operation is intended to support and assist smokers in their process. Health professionals are betting on the group cohesion and motivation effect to help participants in the tobacco-free me (s) to persevere. Why 30 days? It corresponds to the number of days beyond which the chances of permanently quitting smoking are multiplied by five.
The collective, a motivational tool
To participate in these mutual aid workshops, an appointment is given every Monday in November at 5 p.m. 20 places are offered. A tobacco doctor is present to support and advise the participants (motivations, treatments, personalized follow-up).
This Lyon experience has the merit of reminding people that collective smoking cessation can be a support tool for smokers wishing to quit.
Hoping that this year, the #Tobacco-FreeMonths challenge greatly exceeds last year’s score with its 180,000 smokers.
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