July 20, 2018.
According to a study conducted by a team of researchers from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) in Basel, electromagnetic waves from smartphones are harmful to memory.
Areas of memory affected
Young people now almost all have a smartphone, a small object that never leaves them. But what they don’t know is that these phones can affect their memory. This is in any case what emerges from a study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. According to this work, certain areas of the brain are affected by radiation emitted by cell phones.
To reach this conclusion, the researchers followed nearly 700 young people aged 12 to 17 for a year. They observed how their brains reacted to high-frequency electromagnetic fields from their smartphones when making calls, browsing the internet, or sending messages. They were thus able to observe a ” significant drop “Performance of the” figural memory “ in those who used their phones on the right ear.
Adverse effects during calls
Figural memory ” is governed by a cerebral area located to the right of the head “, Specified Martin Röösli, the professor responsible for research, in the columns of the Swiss journal The weather. “ The tests we gave the young people were either on groups of words or on abstract shapes to memorize. He adds. ” These are the results relating to the shapes Which were the most damaged by the airwaves.
The researchers also found that only phone calls caused these effects on memory. The calls would indeed constitute 80% of the radiations received. Sending messages or watching videos on the Internet with your smartphone only causes weak irradiation. It would therefore be advisable to use your earphones or a hands-free kit as often as possible to make calls.
Marine Rondot
Read also: The health problems that appeared with the smartphone