Bedtime, duration and quality of sleep would have an impact on students’ performance level. It was by looking for the influence of physical exercise on university success that the researchers obtained these unexpected conclusions.
There would be a close relationship between the academic performance of students and their sleep time. The time students go to bed and their sleep patterns also make a big difference. According to the study published in the journal Science of Learningit is not enough to get a good night’s sleep just before a test but rather to sleep well several nights in a row.
A conclusion that was imposed almost … by chance! Jeffrey Grossman, professor of science from materials and engineering to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), set out to study the impact of exercise on its students’ grades. But what he found, instead, offers particularly specific insight into the impact of sleep on academic performance. Jeffrey Grossman, a. request at 100 of his students of carry a tracking of activity Fitbit during a semester integer (eighty-eight have it do). He at also work with from colleagues from department athletics from MIT for to create a Classes exercise, incorporating from videos of his “ hero », the Creator of “ Insanity », Shaun T, that 22 from students have chosen during the semester.
For best results: favor bedtime
Jeffrey Grossman expected at this than those students get of best results school than their comrades of class, corn after from month of research on the data, he said, “results weren’t everything simply not the”. Another one conclusion surprised the teacher: the students Who to slept after a certain time –trend is 2 time from morning and varies from student to another- have tendency at get of less good results at their testing, regardless of the number total of sleep that they end through get. Therefore, the quantity is not not all », at added the professor.
How did this result appear? This is because, although the device born monitors not explicitly the sleep, the algorithms owners from program Fitbit detect from periods of sleep and from changes in the quality from sleep, principally in raison from lack of activity.
This research at also aid at to supply a explanation on the fact that the women of her class have always got of better grades than the men. Now, he at a responnse available: the data show than the differences in the quantity and the quality from sleep can fully to explain the differences in the performance. “ Yes we correct the sleep, the men and the women have the same results class. the sleep could be able so to explain the difference Between the sexes in our class », he said.