Deconfinement allows a certain return to normal. But the experience of confinement has marked certain populations. José Viegas, entrepreneur in the “silver economy”, shares his experience with us.
Back to normal, at least in appearance. After these two months of confinement where the turnover was zero, José, a Parisian entrepreneur in the ‘silver economy’ – or services for the elderly -, has been breathing again for only ten days. “We have work all month of June and we are starting to plan construction sites in August and September” he rejoices. Even if he remained optimistic throughout the confinement, the bet was far from obvious. Specialized in home support for the elderly and people with reduced mobility, he notably sells home automation products and housing arrangements for a segment of the fragile population and therefore more vulnerable than average to Covid-19.
The hour of resurrection for its activity did not sound during the deconfinement of May 11, but a few weeks later. “At the beginning, the customers were very afraid of seeing intruders arriving at their homes for the realization of estimates or development works.explains Jose. They only accepted that we discuss the project again after the official announcements at the end of May. Even if they are almost all déconfinés today they remain extremely careful.“
An established fear
In concrete terms, one in three of his clients make sure before an appointment that he will wear a mask – a measure which obviously applies. Added to this are some new manias born during confinement. “Some customers have their own bottle of hydroalcoholic gel and they ask us to wash our hands before touching anything, others clean everything we touch right after our visit or ask us not to touch the handles of doors“he says.
To reassure his customers, he has introduced a classic anti-Covid-19 protocol in his store: compulsory mask for all, wearing of a safety visor for him and his employee and provision of a point of distribution of portions of hydroalcoholic gel. in bags. A kind of commercial gift to reassure its most anxious customers. “I see they have got into the habit of wearing masks and not leaving their homes. They are very afraid and this fear will not fade away like thathe says. If there is a second wave I think they will self-contain.“
Logistical difficulties
However, if the customers have almost all returned, the same is not true for the logistics apparatus. “We feel that it is not 100% back, sometimes we cannot start a site because we are missing one or two elements and when they are delivered they take 2 to 3 times longer than usual“regrets the business manager. Disruptions due to the closure of warehouses, transport or logistics companies more or less at a standstill and the establishment of teleworking, he believes. material difficulty is added an unforeseen size: “i receive about 20% broken or scratched itemshe assures. It’s an abnormally high percentage that I can’t explain.“Overwhelmed warehouses or tenfold workload are just some of the possibilities.
Despite its difficulties, the company has resumed its business suspended during the confinement. But these two lost months will be paid for sooner or later. “6 to 8 months pass between the decision to invest and the start of the renovation projecthe explains. However, I had no contact for new orders between mid-March and mid-May. This means that I will definitely have a ‘commercial hole’ towards the end of the year.“
Another fear in the longer term: the decline in aid for the development of housing. José fears that today’s exceptional expenditure to save the economy – such as partial unemployment and aid for businesses – will be reimbursed tomorrow by cuts in public money and in particular aid to help people adapt their homes. to their health needs. Subsidies which represent up to 50% of the investment necessary to start a construction site at an individual. Such a scenario could cause its business to fall.