March 26, 2018.
The generosity of the French does not weaken. The 2018 edition of Sidaction raised 4.4 million euros. This is more than in 2017.
4.4 million euros in pledges
According to the organizers of the 2018 edition of Sidaction, the annual charity event, broadcast on radio and television, raised 4.4 million euros in pledges. Last year, pledges totaled 4.07 million euros. There would have been ” an exceptional gift from a major donor “, said the association Sidaction in a press release. But we do not know the amount of this donation.
The association added that these donations will be used ” to research and care programs and to associative care and assistance programs for patients, in France and abroad “. In 2017, thanks to them, 34 projects were supported in basic, clinical and social research ; 35 programs have been carried out in 18 countries and 125 patient assistance and prevention projects have been set up.
Don’t let go of the pressure!
These pledges are very encouraging for the organizers, who feared a lack of interest from the general public because of “ fake news Which circulate on the virus in particular on social networks. It was also about the first edition without Pierre Bergé, who created the association and who died last September. He was replaced by Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008.
“ There was a pendulum, there was a generation fueled by the fear of AIDS in the 80s, when AIDS appeared, with anxiety around sexuality and it was very hard for this youth. », Commented the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, on France Info. “ I think we have released the pressure of information, the pendulum has gone too far: there is not enough education today on what AIDS is “.
Marine Tertrais
Read also: In the United States, researchers manage to cure mice of AIDS