The sexuality of students remains stable according to the survey by the emeVia mutual network, but cannabis smokers have more risky behaviors than others.
Smoking cannabis seems to make students forget the rules of prevention. The latest survey by the emeVia mutual network, published on February 11, shows that risky sexuality is increasing sharply among users of joints, while sexual behavior is stable in the general student population.
This survey highlights the gap between consumers and non-consumers when it comes to sexuality. In general, students are rather cautious: 90% of them protect themselves during the first report. 70% of those questioned do so systematically afterwards and as many still use a means of contraception. This declining figure is further increasing among moderate or regular cannabis users, reaching less than 2/3 of young women. Direct consequence: emergency contraception is more common among cannabis smokers (54%), as is the use of voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion), four times more frequent.
Students also show a certain nonchalance towards sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If half of the students have already been tested, in most cases it is HIV testing. As in the rest of the population, the need for hepatitis screening is relatively low.