According to a recent British study published in the journal BMJ Open Ophthalmology, eye irritation is a new symptom of Covid-19. However, it seems that this affects only a small part of the patients.
Eye irritation: a new symptom of the virus
Many symptoms are already known such as fever, dry cough, or unusual fatigue which testify to the presence of the virus in the body. According to a British study published in the journal BMJ Open Ophthalmology, eye irritation is a new symptom of Covid-19. Before this study, it was not considered a frequent symptom since only a small part of patients feel the effects. Researchers at Anglia Ruskin University had participants fill out a form about their symptoms before and after they tested positive.
A symptom more common during illness
The researchers found that eye sensitivity is a more common symptom when one has Covid-19: 16% of participants admitted that they suffered from this eye damage and 18% of participants, already highly sensitive to light, have seen this phenomenon amplify with the virus.
A total of 81% of participants noticed eye problems two weeks after the onset of more common symptoms like fatigue, which affected 90% of participants, fever (76%), and dry cough (66%). This irritation and sensitivity of the eyes lasted less than two weeks, according to 80% of respondents. This symptom is the most significant visual indicator of Covid-19.