We find new virtues almost every day, and it’s not about to stop. Vitamin D is gradually revealing its benefits. Latest: protect seniors from respiratory infections. For a year, researchers from the University of Colorado in the United States followed 107 people aged 84 on average. A first group received daily large doses of vitamin D, the others a smaller dose. Their conclusions published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society are surprising.
The group heavily supplemented with vitamin D reported 40% fewer chronic respiratory diseases than the other group. Vitamin D can improve the immune system’s ability to fight infection, and supports the first line of defense, which is often degraded in older people. Thus, this miracle nutrient prevents pneumonia, flu and bronchitis. It would also prevent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema. Good news for the health of seniors which can easily deteriorate as a result of respiratory infections.
Negative effects on falls
But the effect of vitamin D is not only positive. Without being able to explain it, patients receiving a lot of vitamin D had twice as many falls as the others. Additional research should help to learn more and clarify the role of vitamin D administered daily in high doses, and over the long term.
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