In Bordeaux, the plates fly, and between the parents of pupils and the town hall, the cloth burns. Subject of the dispute, the plates distributed in school canteens.
They were made of tempered glass, they have been replaced by polyester plates. Less noise and less breakage, argues the city. More risks for the health of our children, answer the families, who fear the presence of endocrine disruptors. Agents in charge of school catering fear the musculoskeletal problems that could arise in the long run.
So, to silence the rumor that rises on the banks of the Garonne, the mayor of Bordeaux, Alain Juppé, has ordered analyzes. They were carried out on several samples of new plates with 6 months and 2 years of use. “The objective, specifies the site Femin News, was to “verify the absence of transfer of chemical elements to food with a risk of ingestion and the absence of transfer to food of endocrine disruptors”. The first results of the analyzes seem to have ruled out these two risks.
But not the anger of the parents. “This study is partial and biased”, retorts the collective Canteen without plastic. Anne-Sophie Moussa, one of the spokespersons, denounces on the site Rue89 Bordeaux the opacity, the lack of consultation and the approximate methodology that prevailed during the conduct of these surveys.
“The three sections of tests that we have requested have not all been carried out”, estimates the collective. “These results are preliminary and should not be interpreted,” confirms Anne-Sophie Moussa. The latter also regrets that at the time of ecological transition, the Town Hall does not take into account the environmental and economic cost of such a decision.
For his part, recalls the information site, Alain Juppé launched a citizen consultation until September 22. To gather the opinion of parents, but no doubt also to measure the extent of the discontent of its voters.