According to a decree published today and which must come into force this Wednesday, July 21, 2021, the health pass must now be presented in certain places such as sports halls, cinemas, theaters, museums … While the gauge was set at 1000 people, it is now lowered to 50 people.
The health pass extended to places of leisure and culture welcoming more than 50 people
As Emmanuel Macron announced in his last televised address, the entry into force of the health pass in establishments open to the public will take place from this Wednesday, July 21, 2021. Already effective in places accommodating 1,000 people, the gauge was lowered to 50 people according to a decree published this Tuesday, July 20, 2021 in the Official Journal. Indeed, faced with the upsurge in the number of new cases of Covid-19, the Council of Ministers adopted yesterday the bill implying the vaccination obligation of nursing staff as well as the extension of the health pass in certain places welcoming the public. The text should therefore be adopted at the end of the week.
Places affected by the extension of the health pass
According to the text of the law of the decree, the extension of the health pass concerns the places or establishments planned for “ cultural, recreational, sporting or festive activities as well as trade fairs or trade shows “. Among them, we can cite places of worship, conference and performance halls, cinemas, marquees, games and dance halls, trade fairs or exhibitions of a temporary nature, indoor sports establishments, museums, libraries, amusement parks and swimming pools. The Covid-19 control system should also be applied to campsites and vacation homes that house swimming pools or theaters. Finally and in general, are also concerned by this lowering of the tonnage, ” cultural, sporting, fun or festive events organized in public space or in a place open to the public “.
Uncertainties for the application of the device to shopping centers
As for the application of the health pass in shopping centers, the government wishes to maintain its obligation in the largest establishments but uncertainties remain on the terms of its implementation. The authorities must therefore find the right formula, taking into account the opinion of the Council of State which judges that access to basic necessities must be guaranteed. In any case, the bill provides for the extension of the health pass to cafes, restaurants and long-distance means of transport such as trains from the beginning of August.