Named after its creator Ida Rolf, Rolfing (or “structural integration”) is a comprehensive manual therapy.
The basic concept
Schematically, Rolfing sees the body as an assembly of cubes of different muscle groups. Ideally, these cubes are aligned with the body’s axis of gravity. If they are not, the muscles must compensate by tensing, creating pain and tension. The objective of Rolfing is to reshape the body by replacing it on its central axis.
In practice
The “rolfeur” acts on all the connective tissues of the body (ligaments, tendons but also fascia), on which it performs a dynamic, in-depth massage. All this according to a highly codified program: 10 sessions of 60 to 80 minutes, one per week.
Relieve the musculoskeletal pain, improve bodily ease.
Find a practitioner: the website of the European Rolfing Association,