Mobile internet abroad can come with a hefty price tag. Price comparator Simonly devised the ‘Alladin’ index.
The Alladin Index shows what the costs are for watching the trailer of the film Alladin on your mobile. The video is 2:15 minutes long. Play that at high quality (1080p) and you’ve lost 35.6 MB. Those are costs outside your bundle.
In the European Union
Prices have been leveled within the EU, and some providers within Switzerland, Turkey, Monaco and Andorra are also participating. If your bundle is used up, an adjusted rate will apply. Your provider may charge a maximum of 60.50 euros per month. unless your contract states a different limit. KPN, Vodafone, T-mobile and Tele2 all adhere to this standard. Most small providers too, except Simpel (no ceiling) and Lebara. (higher costs outside the bundle)
Outside of the EU
Outside the European Union, T-mobile, Tele2, Youfone and Ronkin Mobile automatically switch off your data. The costs are on average 4.8 euros outside your bundle. At Simpel there is still no upper limit, so you can pay 180 euros for the Alladin trailer. Other users automatically block halfway through the video, because the maximum amount has been reached.