September 3, 2010 – A new study maintains that replacing red meat with poultry, fish, low-fat dairy products or nuts is associated with a lower risk of heart disease.
The researchers calculated the relative risk of suffering from heart disease depending on the type of protein consumed. According to the results, published in a newspaper article Circulation, compared to a daily serving of red meat, a serving of nuts is associated with a risk reduction of 30%; one serving of fish, 24%; one serving of poultry, at 19%; and a serving of low fat dairy products, 11% risk reduction.
According to Adam Bernstein, lead researcher of the study, not all proteins are created equal. It’s a good idea to eat those that come from poultry, fish, dairy or nuts rather than those found in red meat, he adds.
The study was conducted among 84,136 healthy women over 26 years. The dietary habits of the participants were assessed every 4 years during the period of this observational study.1. During the study, 2,210 women suffered a heart attack which they survived and 952 died from coronary heart disease.
Although the study was only conducted in women, the researchers believe the results would likely have been similar in men.
In addition, researchers recently arrived at results contrary to the present study. A study published in January 2010 concluded that cutting saturated fat from your diet – found in meat, among other things – did not reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. Another study concluded that processed meats increase the risk of heart disease, but red meat does not2.
Pierre Lefrançois – PasseportSanté.net
1. Bernstein AM, Sun Q, Hu FB, et al. Major Dietary Protein Sources and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Women. Circulation. 2010 Aug 16.
2. To learn more about these studies, see our news Meat, cheese, cream are no longer enemies of the heart and arteries and Processed meats would increase the risk of heart disease, but not red meat.