Renault is marketing a new connected electric scooter offering almost double the range compared to the previous model. The machine, still equipped with its 350 W motor, can now travel 40 km instead of 25 by opting for one of the three driving modes. Its price: 535 €.
Since 1er March 2022, manufacturers are forced to encourage motorists to use their vehicles less and to promote carpooling or alternative mobility to pollute less. As an extension to the automobile, certain brands have therefore invested in a flourishing market, that of scooters, bicycles or even electric scooters. Among them: Renault.
Up to 40 km range

In terms of scooters, the diamond manufacturer is not at his first attempt. He has already marketed two models in his image, including a Renault Sport logo. The scooter was called RS Connect. The new model which has just integrated the brand’s online store abandons the sports label for the “NouvelR” emblem, that is to say the stylized diamond Vasarely style.
Autonomy is progressing thanks to the arrival of a new 48 V battery (against 36 V in the past). When the old version could travel between 18 and 25 km, the new electric machine can achieve between 35 and 40 miles (on flat ground). The “toddler” can optimize energy management thanks to three driving modes available. It takes about 4 hours to fully charge the battery. As required by the regulations, the maximum speed is limited to 25 km/h.

Also more expensive

As in the past, the scooter can be connected to a smartphone app to access information (battery level, distance travelled, etc.) or lock the machine. If on paper the performances are improved, there is a small regression such as the loss of disc braking in favor of drums and a higher weight of 17.5 kg against 12 kg for the past generation. Renault markets its electric scooter at a price of €535 and offers a €566 pack with a half-price Renault helmet included.