November 4, 2003 – Simple changes to their diet could improve the lot of children with autism.
First, removing sucrose and other simple sugars, sweeteners, and products containing casein or gluten would improve symptoms. Motor coordination, sleep and language, would be the main beneficiaries. The process of eliminating these foods should be done gradually, and ideally in conjunction with a doctor or nutritionist.
Once these foods are eliminated, the researchers say, others may be problematic. Beef, pork, rice, potatoes, eggplant, eggs, tomatoes, avocados, red peppers, soy and corn are sometimes mentioned1.
In addition, various studies indicate that autistic children frequently suffer from deficiencies of vitamins A, B1, B3 and B5 as well as selenium, zinc, magnesium, amino acids and essential fatty acids. In such a context, the daily intake of a multivitamin may be appropriate.1. The combined intake of vitamin B6 and magnesium supplements would have been shown to be particularly effective.
Folic acid, calcium and vitamin C supplements have also been tested, with varying degrees of success, by various researchers.
Jean-Benoit Legault – PasseportSanté.net
According to Integrative Medicine; Oct / Nov 2003.
1. Unpublished results but presented in 2002 at a colloquium of the Autism Research Institute.